位置圖 Location
大 潭 水 塘 道 休 憩 處
Tai Tam Reservoir Road Sitting-out Area
Tai Tam Reservoir Road Sitting-out Area is located in the middle of Wong Nai Chung Gap area, across the road from Wong Nai Chung Reservoir. Various popular countryside routes passed through the site, such as Black’s Link, Hong Kong Trail Section 5 and Sir Cecil’s Ride. With a size of 740 square metres when it was opened in 1985, the site further expanded southward by 237 square metres in 1992. The sitting-out area is built on two terraces with a height difference of about 2.3 metres, and is covered by a sizeable truss canopy measuring 13.5 metres in width, 20.5 metres in length, and about 6.5 metres in height. Columns and beams of the canopy are connected by simple joints, demonstrating an intrinsic structural beauty. The canopy over the upper terrace is wrapped in Bauhinia corymbosa. In early summer, pale pink flowers bursting into a sea and the new foliage and curling branches entwined with the rusted beams that have naturally patinated over time. Branches of the Terminalia catappa on the lower terrace pass through the gap between canopy beams to reach upward. A 6 m by 9.6 m void is strategically located in the centre of the truss canopy to avoid the dense climbing plants blocking daylight and breezes.
The site presents a balanced and strong whole and traces the interdependence of the built structure and nature.