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Clear Water Bay Road Temporary Sitting-out Area


The New Clear Water Bay Road was built in the late 1970s to solve problems of excessive slope and heavy traffic on the 1932-completed Clear Water Bay Road. The Sze Shun section of the new road adopts a circular design to reduce the slope, and the vertical intersection is made of a long-span viaduct, the tallest large-scale viaduct in Hong Kong. Clear Water Bay Road Temporary Sitting-out Area is located below the northern end of the viaduct, using the leftover open space from the viaduct’s construction. Although it is a temporary sitting-out area, it is fully equipped with pavilions, benches and flowerbeds. The sitting-out area sits south along Clear Water Bay Road. Its terrain divides it into two east and west squares each with its own entrances, both having close-up views of the viaduct and distant views of Sze Shun. The two squares are connected by stairs, creating multiple perspectives in the site. The third entrance to the sitting-out area is located under the viaduct, connected to the Shun Lee Car Park at the bottom of the hill. Many residents, teachers and students from Choi Fai Estate and Good Hope School pass through this sitting-out area to and from Shun Lee Estate.

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